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Kathryn Ellis 19-Mar-2020 10:05:50 3 min read

Three ways to keep in contact throughout self-isolation and social distancing


We are living in an unknown world at the moment. 

Unknown for our day-to-day working life, unknown for our health, for our relatives , for our holidays and for our immediate future. 

At Eurobase, we have taken measures to temporarily close our London office, in line with the UK Governments advice not to travel unnecessarily.  We have, over the past two weeks, conducted tests to ensure all staff can effectively work remotely, which have proven successful. Staff have now been given options in terms of remote working and working from a different office. think in general, the perception of working from home comes with a stigma that it is perhaps less productive or even that it is ‘the dream’ scenario.   

For most, it is neither.   

Many individuals do enjoy the flexibility of being able to work from home.  When workloads get too much or concentration is needed for specific tasks, working from home can be an ideal solution for peace, quiet and focusAllegedly, for those working from home from time-to-time, their productivity increases by 3 weeks per year. However, forced remote working and self-isolation carries a whole new level of self-care, continued productivity and mental & physical well-being concerns 

I have being doing a lot of reading – trying to stick to government websites and other blogs written long before the known pandemic.  There is a lot of information out there, so I am going to keep my suggestions  brief. 

Here are my top 3 ways to keep in contact throughout self-isolation and social distancing: 

1. Team Tea & Coffee Breaks 

This may seem ridiculous and counterproductive. However, scheduling online coffee breaks with your peers and encouraging them to join an online call, with video where possible, will maintain the office chit chat and kitchen meet ups.   

2. Business as Usual

Business as usual calendar meetings should go ahead.  Whether they are daily, weekly or monthly scheduled meetings they will just be virtual meetings rather than physical, including customer or prospect meetings.

3. Voice Contact

All employees should be in voice contact with someone each day.  It is vital that no one becomes isolated at this time and verbal contact with at least one person each day is essential.  You may have family or friends living with you but be mindful of your colleagues who live alone. 

Outside of simply keeping in contact through these unknown times, it is important to stay productive too. Maybe that should be my next blog?  Physical and mental health is so important and thankfully, it is well recognised at Eurobase.  With the recent introduction of Wellness Wednesday and the ongoing support for ‘Strictly Social’; the Eurobase social events program, I for one am determined to put the three points into action, support my colleagues where necessary and maintain my productivity in a job I love and encourage continued contact with my peers.  

Stay safe and be kind.